Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Live Christmas Tree Pick-Up during Trash Collection

Good to know but sad to Go - Live Christmas Tree Pick Up

Affordable Refuse will be collecting live Christmas trees along with the
 regular household trash collection.

Please set your live tree out on your regularly scheduled trash collection day for pick-up.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Trash Collection Holiday Schedule

For all residents and businesses within the Town of Leonardtown:

Trash Collection Holiday Schedule

Christmas Day

No pick up on Friday, December 25 - Pick up will slide to Saturday, December 26

New Years Day

No pick up on Friday, January 1 - Pick up will slide to Saturday, January 2

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Tourism & Hospitality Master Plan (THMP)

The St. Mary's County Department of Economic Development, its Division of Tourism, and the St. Mary's County Chamber of Commerce are currently working together to create the County's first Tourism & Hospitality Master Plan (THMP). The objective of the plan is to create a road map of the County's future as a vibrant visitor destination. 

The Town of Leonardtown will be actively engaged in the process, as participation from the community is a crucial part of making this endeavor a success. Laschelle McKay, Leonardtown Administrator, serves on the Master Planning Committee, which will advise the consultants as they formulate the Master Plan. For more information about the THMP, or how you can sign-up to receive updates, please visit www.stmarysmd.com/ded/thmp.asp