So Long Summer, Hello Fall!!
This Saturday, August, 27
7:30 AM Sunrise Yoga at the Wharf
Sunrise Yoga at the Wharf, hosted by Evolve Yoga and Wellness, is an open community yoga practice for all levels. Please bring a dry goods donation for either a food pantry or pet shelter, your mat, a bottle of water and your friends. For more information visit
6 - 9 PM Downtown Tunes with Wesley Spangler
Join us for Downtown Tunes Country Night with Wesley Spangler - A FREE, all-ages concert from 6-9 PM. Bring chairs and blankets, grab dinner at a local restaurant and make a it a great Saturday night in Leonardtown Square! Presented by the Leonardtown Business Association and financed in part with a grant from the St. Mary's County Arts Council and Maryland State Arts Council, and series sponsors Quality Built Homes, Winegardner Automotive, Marrick Homes and Big Larry's Eatery.

5 - 8 PM Arts & Entertainment First Friday Art Walk
Live music, demos, vendors and hands on activities
Sunday, September 18
12:00 noon - 4:30 PM A Taste of St. Mary's
sponsored by St.Mary's County Chamber of Commerce
Purchase tickets to enjoy food samples complete with desserts, wine and beer
Saturday, October 1
9 AM St. Vincent DePaul Society
Friends of the Poor Walk
Friday, October 7
Sunday, October 9
1 PM Antique Tractor and Truck Parade
Sponsored by the Southern Maryland Antique Power Association

NEW TIME 3-5 PM Trick or Treat on the Square with face painting, crafts and a pet costume contest
Saturday, October 29
7 - 10 p.m. The Blues Block Party on the Square
Come meet the performers of the Pax River Air Show - including the Blue Angels - for photos and autographs! Wear your best glow in the dark attire and accessories and help us light up the night! Live music, children's activities, souvenir "Pilot's Log" autograph book and more! Stay tuned for details!