Get your tickets $20.00 limited to 140 guests at the Front Porch Bar in-advance.
5:30-6:15 - The COSMIC String Quartet playing music you'll actually like!
6:15-6:45 - Karl Wente playing Guitar
Closing Musical Segment - College Park Jazz & Funk Quartet
Murrieta's Well -Unforgettable Estate Blends from California's Livermore Valley with the release of new proprietary blends, The Whip and The Spur Winers - the Grapes from Estate Grown fruit in Extraordinary Terrority.
Be sure to reserve some bottles to be signed by the Winemaker Karl Wente!
www.w.i.n.e.me, COSMIC Symphony & The Front Porch Restaurant
are pleased to support the
Patuxent Habitat for Humanity Serving Calvert & St. Mary's Counties