7/21/2011 – Wicomico Shores Municipal Golf Course – Shotgun Start 9:00 AM
The third annual St. Mary’s Nursing Center Foundation Golf Tournament is scheduled for Thursday, July 21, 2011. Check-in begins at 8:00 AM and the Putting Contest starts at 8:15 AM. Cost is $75 per player which includes greens fees, cart, beverages on the course and lunch. Tournament format is Captain’s Choice.
The tournament will feature a Hole In One prize, gifts for men and women closest to the pin, longest drive, putting contest winners, first, second and third place teams and door prizes. Players may purchase Mulligan’s and 50/50 raffle tickets. A delicious buffet lunch will be provided by Kevin Thompson.
If you do not play golf, you may sponsor lunch for $400, a hole for $100, a golf cart for $75, a tee for $50, or a business card sponsor – for $20, we will distribute your business cards in the gift bags for the golfers. You must provide the business cards. A donation of any denomination is appreciated and needed. Sponsor signage will advertise lunch, each hole, golf cart and tee. All proceeds and donations will purchase equipment for St. Mary’s Nursing Center to care for our residents. We need you to help us help them. Your donation is tax deductible. Please make checks payable to SMNC Foundation and the address is P.O. Box 904, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
If you have any questions or wish to register, please contact: Patricia Bowles-Buckler 301-481-6898. Registration deadline is July 15, 2011.
7/21/2011 – Wicomico Shores Municipal Golf Course – Shotgun Start 9:00 AM
The third annual St. Mary’s Nursing Center Foundation Golf Tournament is scheduled for Thursday, July 21, 2011. Check-in begins at 8:00 AM and the Putting Contest starts at 8:15 AM. Cost is $75 per player which includes greens fees, cart, beverages on the course and lunch. Tournament format is Captain’s Choice.
The tournament will feature a Hole In One prize, gifts for men and women closest to the pin, longest drive, putting contest winners, first, second and third place teams and door prizes. Players may purchase Mulligan’s and 50/50 raffle tickets. A delicious buffet lunch will be provided by Kevin Thompson.
If you do not play golf, you may sponsor lunch for $400, a hole for $100, a golf cart for $75, a tee for $50, or a business card sponsor – for $20, we will distribute your business cards in the gift bags for the golfers. You must provide the business cards. A donation of any denomination is appreciated and needed. Sponsor signage will advertise lunch, each hole, golf cart and tee. All proceeds and donations will purchase equipment for St. Mary’s Nursing Center to care for our residents. We need you to help us help them. Your donation is tax deductible. Please make checks payable to SMNC Foundation and the address is P.O. Box 904, Leonardtown, MD 20650.
If you have any questions or wish to register, please contact: Patricia Bowles-Buckler 301-481-6898. Registration deadline is July 15, 2011.
Patricia Bowles-Buckler, President
21585 Peabody Street,
Leonardtown, MD 20650
Patricia Bowles-Buckler, President
Telephone: 301-481-6898
Fax: 301-475-9425
E-mail: stmarysnursingcenterfoundation@yahoo.com
Fax: 301-475-9425
E-mail: stmarysnursingcenterfoundation@yahoo.com