Leonardtown’s Special August “First Fridays”
and “Beach Party on the Square” Event
A weekend of fun in Leonardtown will commence with a special “First Fridays” event on August 5th, to kick-off Leonardtown’s “Beach Party on the Square” event the next day This “First Fridays” will be a great evening of art, entertainment, food, and specials. Live music on the Square will feature the talented Yeh Jazz Trio performing from 5 PM – 7 PM, and the swinging Pax Rats performing from 7PM – 9PM. At 7:30 PM, a gift drawing will take place in the Town Square. First prize is a Fuji Crosstown 2.0 Comfort Bike and the second prize is a Longaberger Summer Lovin’ Village Basket filled with gifts and gift certificates donated by numerous Leonardtown businesses. Tickets for the drawings are free; just stop by any participating Leonardtown Business Association member’s place of business. Winners must be present to collect their prize. We hope you will enjoy the variety of specials offered by our Town businesses both in downtown and uptown Leonardtown, the new Leonardtown Arts Center, Port of Leonardtown Winery, the Maryland Antiques Center complex, the Shops at Breton Bay and Breton Marketplace. Each first Friday of the month, the Leonardtown Business Association offers “First Fridays” between the hours of 5PM – 8PM. For additional information and a list of participating businesses, visit www.leonardtownfirstfridays.com.
For great family fun, check out Leonardtown’s “BEACH PARTY on the Square" event on Saturday, August 6th from 4 PM – 9 PM. This action-packed event is sure to boast a good time for all! Highlights include the fantastic tunes of “The 25th Hour Band”, a performance by Xtreme Athletics, a magic show by Mr. Magic Reggie Rice, a line-dance demonstration with Pam Veitch, a Zumba dance demonstration with Robyn Butcher, the strolling minstrel David Norris, also the amazing ENF Kids Jam, who will tout the principles of our environment thru singing, acting and dancing!
Fun activities throughout the evening include window painting, tug-of-war and fitness games in the sand hosted by the College of Southern Maryland. There will also be Fire truck hose-downs, inflatable rock climbing wall, Velcro wall, moon bounce, waterslide, kids’ sand pit, hula hoop, jump rope and limbo contests, face painting, balloon twisting, crafts, informational displays, games, prizes, food and much more! Both for the young and the not so young, come see the classic cars, including a nice selection of beautiful corvettes. You can also take the Hillside Ride shuttle or stroll down to the Leonardtown Wharf Park to enjoy the picturesque scenery and kayaking on breathtaking Breton Bay. Admission to Leonardtown’s "Beach Party" is free! There is a cost for food and some attractions.
A new activity to the Beach Party this year is the Running of the Balls, presented as a cooperative effort between the Leonardtown Rotary Club and the Lexington Park Rotary Club. The balls are released at 7 PM on Fenwick Street Hill. Get your prepaid balls from any Leonardtown or Lexington Park Rotary member, at any businesses where you see the Running of the Balls signs, or at the Beach Party event.
On Beach Party day, Saturday, August 6th, several streets in the downtown Square area will be closed to thru traffic. You are encouraged to park at the College of Southern Maryland and take the free STS shuttle bus service provided by the St. Mary’s County Department of Public Works and Transportation into the downtown area. Leonardtown’s “Beach Party on the Square” is held in historic downtown Leonardtown in the Town Square, on Washington and Fenwick Streets. This event is sponsored by the Commissioners of Leonardtown and the Leonardtown Business Association.
A special thank you to our Beach Party financial sponsors: Quality Built Homes, Inc., Winegardner Auto Group, College of Southern Maryland, Loiderman Soltesz Associates, Inc., Cedar Point Federal Credit Union, and a grant from the St. Mary’s County Arts Council and the Maryland Arts Council.
For more information on Leonardtown’s “First Fridays” or the “Beach Party on the Square” events, contact the Office of the Commissioners of Leonardtown at 301-475-9791 or email us at leonardtown.commissioners@verizon.net. You can also visit “First Fridays” on the web at www.leonardtownfirstfridays.com and Leonardtown on the web at www.leonardtown.somd.com.