Wednesday, August 19, 2015



Affordable Refuse has informed us that plastic bags are wreaking havoc on the processing machines.

The recycling facility is requiring that bags be taken out of the recycling stream.  Worst case scenario is they will stop accepting recyclables and it all goes to the incinerator at a higher customer cost.

All plastic bags should be put in the garbage or recycled at a local vendor (some grocery stores provide receptacles for plastic bags).

Recyclables should be put in the toters loose.

If customers accumulate their recyclables in plastic bags in the house, they should be dumped out of the bags when taken to the toter.  Paper bags are acceptable.  Each member of the household, or your cleaning service, should be informed of this.

Please, immediately, discontinue using and placing any plastic bags in the recycling toter.  This help us, your neighbors and Affordable Refuse and will also help maintain the present trash service costs.

Thank you.