Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Earth Day Weather Cancellation Policy

The present forecast is calling for 60-90% chance of rain for Sunday, all day, with showers and thunderstorms. If this forecast stays the same, or gets worse, the entire event will likely be cancelled.

However, this is Southern Maryland. It would not be unusual for the weather to shift drastically in the next 48-72 hours. If it changes to no rain (fingers crossed), light rains, morning showers, scattered storms or something under 40% - or we can predict the timing of the rain a little better - there is a good chance we will still have the event.
The final decision will be made no later than 10 a.m. Sunday morning.

If the event is cancelled, we will post an announcement on the Town website, the Town of Leonardtown Facebook page, the Facebook event page and have a recording on the Town answering machine @ 301-475-9791.

Unfortunately there is no rain date.