- Sunday, June 11, 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. - Summer Concert at the Gazebo, Leonardtown Wharf, 22500 Washington Street. Jennifer Cooper and GrooveSpan and The Clazzical Project (Don Stapleson, Fred Lieder, Peter Fields) - 2 amazing ensembles in 1 picturesque venue, with Port of Leonardtown Winery and Kona Ice of St. Mary's County serving up refreshments. Special thanks to the St. Mary's County Arts Council for their generous funding of this special event!

Fun Paddle at McIntosh Run (Port of Leonardtown Park & Kayak Launch) and Timed Kayak Race at Leonardtown Wharf - canoes and SUP's also welcome! With food and music afterwards at the Leonardtown Wharf. Proceeds provide training and college scholarships for St. Mary's First Responders and their families, as well as funding for Rotary special projects. For details and online registration visit paddleforfirstresponders.org or register 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. the day of the event.
Saturday, June 10, 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 32nd Annual St. Mary's County Crab Festival. Local live music, Car Show, Crab Pickin' Contest, petting zoo, regional crafters, and plenty more food for purchase.
$5 at the door; proceeds benefit Lions Club Community Service Programs.
For details visit https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/leonardtownmd/page-8.php
- Saturday, June 10, 5 - 8 p.m.- Folk Salad Trio @ Port of Leonardtown Wineryy
- Sunday, June 11, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. - Billy Breslin at the Port of Leonardtown Winery
- To round out your Leonardtown experience, visit Shop Leonardtown to learn more about the local businesses around Town, and for more weekend events around St. Mary's County, visit St. Mary's County Tourismor www.visitstmarysmd.com